Philosophic discussion of rat racer concept

with emphasis on determination and planning as a tools of success


Dr. Ali Mohammadipour



Everybody uses some of proverbs without thinking or applying them. One of those proverbs is: "To want to, is to be able to" or in otherwise "Practice makes it perfect". How many times you have used them? Have you ever thought about the meaning of these proverbs? On the first proverb, the meaning of want is completely different. In this phrase, want is tendency with strong intention for doing or acting. In this situation while you want something, you must make a good plan in your mind to reach that thing and finally you must do that plan. So it is clear that want's meaning is completely different from the usual mean of "want". If you think about the meaning of "Practice" in the second proverb, you will realize that "Practice" have almost same meaning with "want" in first proverb. Exact meaning of "Practice" in the second proverb is that for being succeeded, you need hard working. In fact it is same as "no pain, no gain". The most important point in above mention proverbs is that for reaching goals or being succeeded, you need to make a good plan for it. This plan most has a complete view to problem and it must be applicable. Making a good and comprehensive plan is needed to study and practice more on ability of making plan. Making plan has lots of theories and techniques such as: ability of recognizing existing situation, ability of identifying future situation and ability of finding all relations between existing and future situation and finally choosing the best one. Improvement and progress in any body's life is depended on himself. If a person really wants and practices and then has a good plan for reaching to his wants, he will be succeeded by planning. You can be sure that wining is not far from this kind of person. But don't forget that for realizing this process, we need to improve our ability on fundamental planning. Hence we can say that good and comprehensive planning secure the success. Everybody in his life has wants and goals. These goals can be in different kind of a time period such as very short term goals, short term goals, long term goals and so on. Have you ever thought about: where you are (think about present situation), what your life targets is (deliberate future condition) and which way is the best method to connect present situation to future condition? Have you ever thought that you are wasting your time? You will never waste your time or life, if you do whatever we mention in this article. At first try to know yourself well. There is an Islamic proverb that says: "identifying yourself is a kind of recognizing God." Therefore you must realize your tendencies and purposes, in a state that you have complete information about your mental and physical abilities. Please generally survey and study your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in SWOT Technique. This perusal will help you to well understand your problems and threats. This step is the fundamental pace for progress and successfulness. Now you can study all manners that led to your targets. In this stage you must choose the best method for achieving your own purposes. This election ensures your life prosperity. In this case you are not rat racer more. Taking a brief look at yourself and reanalyzing your own posture, is really important in any bodes life. So we recommend SWOT Technique as the most emphasis part of your scrutiny. If you do this, you will not rat racer more. Otherwise try to know yourself, imagine your future situation and wants and finally find the best way to reaching them.


Key Words: Rat racer, Determination, Planning, SWOT Technique, very short term goals, short term goals, long term goals and success. 

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Philosophic discussion of rat racer concept with emphasis on determination and planning as a tools of success

and ,you ,of ,in ,is ,to ,term goals ,in this ,rat racer ,the best ,meaning of ,term goals short ,ever thought about



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