قسمتهای مهمی از سخنرانی جناب آقای دکتر علی محمدی پور با عنوان

"Analyze the relationship between yalda night and savior - From History to Scientific Inference"

به پیوست تقدیم می گردد. در این کنفرانس، محور اصلی سخنرانی ایشان در قالب تحلیل انطباقی شب یلدا در مقایسه با وقایع مهم تاریخی و همچنین ارائه تاریخچه و رسوم خاص مراسم شب یلدا، آغاز می گردد. در ادامه ضمن بررسی و بیان دلایل پایه ای برگزاری جشن شب یلدا، یکسری نکته مهم در خصوص جشنهای: یلدا، خرم روز و دهگان مطرح می شود. نهایتاً تحلیل فلسفی پیروز نور بر تاریکی، با طرح یکسری مباحث انطباقی در ادیان آسمانی ارائه شده و انواع منجی ها در آیین زرتشت و ارائه یکسری توضیحات در خصوص آنها، تشریح می گردد. در این خصوص مسئله وجود سه تخم معروف در دریاچه تشریح و متعاقب آن سلسله منجی آخر امان تفسیر فلسفی می گردد. در پایان نیز پدیده بسیار مهم سیزده به در، جشن پوریم و انتقال ثروت ایران باستان به یهودیت پنهان، بعنوان موضوع تحلیلی جناب آقای دکتر در کنفرانس آتی پیشنهاد می گردد.



قسمتهای مهمی از سخنرانی جناب آقای دکتر علی محمدی پور با عنوان"Analyze the relationship between yalda night and savior - From History to Scientific Inference" به پیوست تقدیم می گردد. در این کنفرانس، محور اصلی سخنرانی ایشان در قالب تحلیل انطباقی شب یلدا در مقایسه با وقایع مهم تاریخی و همچنین ارائه تاریخچه و رسوم خاص مراسم شب یلدا، آغاز می گردد. در ادامه ضمن بررسی و بیان دلایل پایه ای برگزاری جشن شب یلدا، یکسری نکته مهم در خصوص جشنهای: یلدا، خرم روز و دهگان مطرح می شود. نهایتاً تحلیل فلسفی پیروز نور بر تاریکی، با طرح یکسری مباحث انطباقی در ادیان آسمانی ارائه شده و انواع منجی ها در آیین زرتشت و ارائه یکسری توضیحات در خصوص آنها، تشریح می گردد. در این خصوص مسئله وجود سه تخم معروف در دریاچه تشریح و متعاقب آن سلسله منجی آخر امان تفسیر فلسفی می گردد. در پایان نیز پدیده بسیار مهم سیزده به در، جشن پوریم و انتقال ثروت ایران باستان به یهودیت پنهان، بعنوان موضوع تحلیلی جناب آقای دکتر در کنفرانس آتی پیشنهاد می گردد.


Analyze the relationship between yalda night and savior: From History to Scientific Inference


Presented by: Dr. Ali Mohammadipour

Religious scholar in Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam

With Professional weblog: Dralimohammadipour.blog.ir

Email: Dr.ali.mohammadipour@gmail.com


Take look at Time zone:

When is the Yalda Night?  on December 20 or 21st  of Every year

When is Christmas? Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

When the new year (Not Solar or Lunar year) begins : The first time the new year was celebrated on January 1st  was in Rome in 153 B.C. New Year's Eve celebration is held in 31 of December


 History of Yalda Night:

Iranians around the world celebrate Yalda, which is one of the most ancient Persian festivals. The festival dates back to the time when a majority of Persians were followers of Zoroastrianism prior to the advent of Islam.

Yalda, which means birth, is a Syriac word imported into the Persian language. It is also referred to as Shab-e Chelleh, a celebration of winter solstice on December 21--the last night of fall and the longest night of the year.

In addition to Iran, Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and some Caucasian states such as Azerbaijan and Armenia share the same tradition and celebrate Yalda Night annually at this time of the year.


Customs in Yalda Night:

On this night, family members get together (most often in the house of the eldest member) and stay awake all night long.

Dried nuts, watermelon and pomegranate are served, as supplications to God for increasing his bounties, as well classic poetry and old mythologies are read aloud.

Iranians believe those who begin winter by eating summer fruits would not fall ill during the cold season. Therefore, eating watermelons is one of the most important traditions in this night.

Pomegranates, placed on top of a fruit basket, are reminders of the cycle of life-- the rebirth and revival of generations.

As the 13th-century Iranian poet Sa’di writes in his book Boustan: The true morning will not come until the Yalda Night is gone.”

Wishes night: What is expressed in that poem is believed to be the interpretation of the wish and whether and how it will come true. This is called Faal-e Hafez (Hafez Omen)


What are the reasons of celebration?

Yalda is one of the most celebrated traditional events in Iran which marks the longest night of the year.

On Yalda festival, Iranians celebrate:

the arrival of winter,

 the renewal of the sun and

the victory of light over darkness

Considered the longest night of the year, Yalda eve is the night when ancient Iranians celebrated the birth of Mithra, the goddess of light.

Ancient Persians believed that evil forces were dominant on the longest night of the year and that the next day belonged to the Lord of Wisdom, Ahura Mazda…


Some attractive points about Yalda Night:

In Zoroastrian religion, on longest night of the year, when the forces of evil are assumed to be at the peak of their strength.

The next day, known as ‘khorram rooz’ or ‘khore rooz’ (the day of the sun), belongs to Ahura Mazda, the lord of wisdom.

Since days become longer and nights shorter, this day marks the victory of the sun over darkness. The occasion was celebrated as the festival of ‘Deygan’, which is dedicated to Ahura Mazda on the first day of ‘Dey’.

Today, Christmas is celebrated slightly off from Yalda Night. However, Christmas and Yalda are both celebrated in a similar fashion by staying up all night and celebrating it with family and friends, and eating special foods.


Philosophic View …

Oppositeness of darkness and brightness

According to some films such as Mummy 1 to 3…

Victory of brightness at last (in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam)…

Unique Worldwide Government after evil forces domination

(In Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam…)

But very differently described)

Desire night (in Zoroastrianism and Islam)

Sense of Waiting for advent of Savior (in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam)


Savior in Zoroastrianism:

Savior in Avesta emphasis with Frashokereti concept: This hero is a figure in Zoroastrianism who brings about the Frashokereti or final renovation of the world.

Saoshyant appears as a proper name in the Younger Avesta. The name literally means "one who brings benefit: Saoshyant" in Avestan and is also used as a common noun.

The role of the Saoshyant, or Astvat-ereta, as a future savior of the world is briefly described in Yasht 19.88-96, where it is stated that he will achieve the Frashokereti, that he will make the world perfect and immortal, and evil will disappear.

It is stated that he will come forth from special Lake and will carry the same special weapon that a number of Iranian epic heroes and kings have used in the past against various demonic foes.

According to general holy books of Zoroastrian, three saviors will come after their prophet and they all make some reforms for helping victory of light over darkness. We can call all of them, as Saoshyant, but last one will achieve the main target and also his name will by Saoshyans.

There is story about savior that mention on three special eggs as three symbol on special lake and three virgin and easter daughter… these daughters will swim in this lake and without touching any man, they will give birth the three Saoshyant  in different time zone…

Now:  What is the relation of Saoshyants to Yalda night?


In next conference … (Open book)

We will state Purim celebration (as Jewish holiday) and nature day in ancient history of Iran(13th of Farvardin: First month of Solar year)

We discuss deeply on first wonderful and so big achievement of Judaism on earning extensive economical interests of large country such Iran…

Will discuss from Bible Esther of Judaism and Iranian historical resource…

According to the Hebrew Bible, Esther was a Jewish queen of the Persian king…

Be with us  

Analyze the relationship between yalda night and savior: From History to Scientific Inference

Analytical modeling of the role of insight on equilibrium actions using the scientific and theosophical approach

Philosophic discussion of rat racer concept with emphasis on determination and planning as a tools of success

the ,of ,and ,in ,night ,is ,of the ,yalda night ,می گردد ,گردد در ,in zoroastrianism ,between yalda night ,relationship between yalda ,zoroastrianism judaism christianity ,امان تفسیر فلسفی



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